- Local Law Practice
- Public Law
- Regulated Sectors
- Urban Planning and Enviromental Law
Degree in Law from the University of La Laguna.
Lawyer of the Public Authorities of the Regional Government of the Canary Islands since 1999.
Director-General of the Legal Service of the Government of the Canary Islands from July 2009 to July 2015.
Over 16 years of experience in the public sector, acting as senior legal counsel and prosecution and defence lawyer to the Public Authorities of the Regional Government of the Canary Islands. She has experience in all areas of law, including accounting and constitutional law, being highly regarded in particular for her knowledge of contentious-administrative proceedings.
Preparation of legal reports on legislative bills and general legal provisions and on administrative proceedings in all principle areas falling under the remit of the regional government (infringement proceedings, public procurement, compulsory purchases, administrative appeals, ex officio reviews, subsidies and tender processes, etc.).
She joined Montero Aramburu Abogados in 2015 after having been granted extended leave as a Regional Government lawyer.
Current Partner of the Public Law and Urban Planning Practice of MONTARO|ARAMBURU CANARIAS.
Professor on the Masters in Urban Planning Law of the University of La Laguna (2014).
Organiser, speaker and moderator at various conferences relating to Administrative Law: Autonomous Ports, Law and Medicine, Public Procurement, Tourism, Services in the Internal Market, Renewable Energies and the Environment.
She is a member of the Bar Association of Santa Cruz de Tenerife (membership no. 5899).